Monday, April 22, 2019

Wisdom Begins in Wonder --Socrates

Today we spent some time wondering about Greek mythology:  what do the myths have to do with us today?  What can we learn from god(desse)s who possess supernatural powers along with human characteristics?  How does ancient Greek culture influence our own literature, art, and music?  We will revisit these questions as we hear and read the stories of the Greek gods and goddesses.

We have officially set sail for ancient Greece, and our ship will at times be navigated by artist-in-residence Nick Kachulis.  Nick is a resident of Florence; he is a Greek scholar, musician, and visiting teacher in public and charter schools.  We began the "Celebration of Ancient Greece" program about 15 years ago, yet each year our curricular activities morph based on students' interests as well as changing standards.  Throughout our unit, Nick will visit each week to tell myths, introduce us to ancient Greek art forms and drama, and to guide students with their research projects.  Our journey through ancient Greece will end in June with a showcase of students' projects and performances (date tba).  [Note:  this program is funded by a grant from the JFK PTO and the Massachusetts Cultural Council Creative Schools Grant]


Monday:  read Zeus & Hera in mythology book; domain pic due Wed.

Tuesday:  read Athena; domain pic due tomorrow

Wednesday:  catch up on reading if needed

Thursday:  none unless you owe something

Friday:  read Poseidon & Hades (if didn't finish in class); begin putting the god(desse)s you've read so far on your chart [you will also have time to work on this on Monday in class]

Domain pic assignment

Theseus and the Minotaur animated video