It is truly awesome to witness students finding their voice through poetry. With inspiration emanating internally and externally, students have written on a variety of topics: from grizzly bears to kittens, from olives to vanilla, from Broadway to the Mojave desert. Our next two poems will be more personal in nature, as students will be asked to explore their thinking as well as their inner landscape.
The inspiration for our first poem this week is Francis Picabia, a French artist and writer who once said, "Our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction." Pondering that idea, students will reflect on instances in which their own thoughts on a subject changed. After brainstorming some ideas, they will draft a poem to reflect their transformed viewpoint.
Later this week, students will be asked to explore their "inner landscape" of thoughts and emotions. Again, following some reflection and jotting of ideas, they will craft a poem that depicts their internal world.
On Friday, during my absence (my daughter graduates college this weekend!!), students will take the ELA benchmark test they took in the beginning of the year. In preparation, they will read an excerpt from "Diary of a Part-Time Indian" on Thursday night. On Monday, they will retake a writing mechanics benchmark quiz given earlier in the year. Please note that grades on these tests DO NOT affect students' report card averages, nor will these grades be posted on ASPEN. They are mandated tests for my information only.
Finally, please see the link below for the Poetry Cafe invitation (a copy was given to your student). This will be a fun way to celebrate the writing and reading of poetry that students have accomplished, as well as to bid farewell to our student teacher, Neil Vercellin. No need to RSVP, but students may ask you if they can bring in a snack or drink to share (no nuts or soda, please!).
Monday: Finish "Our heads are round..." brainstorming chart
Tuesday: Finish draft of "Our heads are round..." poem
Wednesday: Prepare final draft of poem; turn in tomorrow.
Thursday: Read "Diary of a Part-Time Indian" excerpt; work on inner landscape poem brainstorming
Friday: Inner landscape final poem due Tuesday 5/16.
Our Heads Are Round...poem instructions
Our Heads Are Round... poem brainstorm chart
Inner Landscape brainstorming chart
Poetry Cafe Invitation