Writing fictional stories seems to percolate naturally for most adolescents, which is why it is always productive, beneficial, and FUN! to engage in this process in class. Between today and Thanksgiving break, students will be rotating through five stations to brainstorm for their stories: character, setting, conflict/plot, dialogue writing, and "show don't tell" language. Along the way, they will produce brainstorming on charts, questionnaires, and storyboard templates, as well as through sketches and even paper dolls if they choose. As students are starting in and moving through stations at different rates, the stations will be labeled in Aspen by number; students have their own tracking chart to keep tabs on their progress.
The final story can be produced in a variety of ways. They could simply type up the story, or they could format it as either a chapter or picture book or as a storyboard. If a student is a techno/movie-making whiz, they could produce a film of their story. No matter the format, each student is demonstrating that they have developed the elements of fiction as represented in the brainstorming stations. The completed story in its final form is due by December 1.
HOMEWORK: This is the schedule; however, some students may be working ahead depending on their individual pace.
Monday: work on station #1 brainstorming
Wednesday: station #1 work due tomorrow
Thursday: work on station #2 brainstorming; due on Monday 11/13.
Character Brainstorming
Setting Chart
Conflict/Plot Organizers