Students' first foray into poetry writing last week was quite impressive and inspiring! Each student wrote a single line that they then put up for auction--anyone could take anyone else's line to use as a springboard for a poem. As inspiration for the next poem, they were encouraged to listen to the music of words in their minds as they brainstormed a list of "beautiful words", or those they like the sound of, and then crafted a poem using them. This week they will create imagery in the form of cinquains. They will read and analyze some of Pablo Neruda's odes to onions, tomatoes, artichokes and salt, and then pen their own ode to a food. In addition to writing poems, students are demonstrating their understanding of poetic devices by creating a page for each device that gives a definition, an original example in a line or short poem, an illustration of the example, and they'll be finding an instance of each device in a published poem.
Monday: beautiful words poem due tomorrow
Tuesday: device pg. #1 due tomorrow
Wednesday/Thursday: Cinquains (minimum of 2) due Friday
Friday: ode to a food due Friday, April 6