Soon we will take a pause in our Greek adventures to visit Look Park--this will spark our "River of Words" poetry project! At the park, you will closely observe your surroundings, using your senses to experience and record all of the natural (and perhaps human-made) elements around you. Since the River of Words poetry project ties closely to the element of water, you will be sure to include the river and pond in your observations.
Water featured prominently in ancient Greek life (don't forget they were surrounded by it!), including in their mythological stories. So, this connects naturally with the River of Words poetry writing. In order to prepare for this experience, please read the following articles BEFORE the Look Park trip. You might want to revisit them after the trip, before you begin writing your poem. The inspirations I will give you to ponder for your poem are rooted in these stories and characters.
The River Styx
The River Lethe
Naiads, Water Nymphs
Poseidon, God of the Sea
Nereids, Water Nymphs
"Narcissus and Echo" in your book (pg.86)
I'm also attaching below the observation charts and poem inspirations handout for you to preview before the Look Park activity. I will give you hard copies in class to take with you.
Observation charts
River of Words Poetry Inspirations