Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Happy New Year!

Welcome to a new school year!  While we've gotten off to a steamy start, we've been able to ease into a new routine and get to know one another a bit.  Tomorrow we will launch into an autobiographical poem and creative project.  Students will read George Ella Lyon's "Where I'm From", analyzing it for content as well as structure.  Once they have thoroughly deconstructed this poem, they will begin to construct their own using Lyon's as a model.  This activity accomplishes many goals.  It allows students to exercise their creative writing muscles; their poems tell me a bit about them; and it takes students through the writing process to begin to establish (or re-establish) the routine of brainstorming, organizing, drafting, and revising.  Students will have the opportunity to further express themselves and their creativity through a project that will incorporate their poem. (We probably won't have a chance to talk about the project until Monday, but I've attached the activity in case you want to take a peek and get a head start on gathering materials.)

Throughout the year, I will post a blog note at the start of each week to sum up the week's agenda.  Following my note, I will list the homework for the week and attach relevant hand outs in case someone is absent or misplaces their papers.  While students are expected to be writing their homework into their planners at the beginning of each class, I am encouraging them to refer to the blog as well if they are absent or need more clarification.  Organization and use of resources are two skills we will help students develop this year, and reinforcement from home is beneficial.  Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions about our work or concerns about your student's progress.  Together we will guide students through a productive and enjoyable year!


Tuesday:  none unless you've forgotten to buy a writer's notebook (spiral, composition book)

Wednesday:  none

Thursday:  finish poem brainstorming chart

Friday:  draft  poem due MONDAY for conferencing; share project instructions with caregiver.

When drafting, refer to second link below to refresh your memory about writing descriptively.

I Am From Poetry Project

I Am From Poem: example of descriptive writing