Monday, December 17, 2018

Happy Holidays to All!

This week will be devoted to writing, editing, and revising stories.  As most students felt that they'd be rushing to completely wrap up this week, I've offered the opportunity to use the break, if needed, to finish.  They have an editing sheet to guide their editing/revision process, and the rubric so that they can self-assess and know the expectations for grading.  Students should PRINT their final stories to bring with them on January 2.  That day they will do a small group read around in order to share their stories with classmates.  With genres ranging from historical to futuristic, from realistic to fantasy, I'm looking forward to reading the tales they've woven!

By now, most students have finished reading their original choice book and moved on to another.  I'm encouraging everyone to find a book to read over the break.  The PTO generously donated several book fair novels to our classroom library and students are free to borrow from my shelves!  Thank you PTO!

I wish students and their families a warm, peaceful, and fun winter break!  Happy holidays and all good things in the coming year!


This week and during break (as needed):  

* finish drafting

* use editing checklists to edit

* revise story; add details as needed

* edit again for punctuation, capitals, juicy words, etc.

* PRINT final copy to bring in WEDNESDAY, JAN 2

Short Story Editing Form

Short Story Rubric