Monday, January 28, 2019

Spying Eyes in Our World and in Jonas'

With an article titled "Drones Put Spying Eyes in the Sky", students are learning about the positive uses of drones and thinking about potential negative uses.  This is our first foray into nonfiction reading in ELA.  Before beginning, students considered the steps readers take before reading fiction vs. nonfiction, as well as the strategies readers employ during their reading of both fiction and nonfiction texts.  They are doing a jigsaw reading of the article, which means in sections assigned to small groups, and each group will answer guiding questions about their section to use in a presentation of their reading.  After this reading activity, they will consider possible thematic connections between drones and events in The Giver.  Finally, we will examine some MCAS-style questions in relation to the article in order to begin some periodic practice for the exam which will occur in April.

Later this week, we will continue our discussion of The Giver through various activities, including skits, vocabulary work, summarizing and predicting, examining author's language and craft, and illustration.  Students should be actively reading the novel by noting important items, predictions, questions, visuals, and wow or ah-ha moments on sticky notes placed on the page.  This process of active reading and becoming more aware of thoughts while reading will help strengthen and deepen students' comprehension of text.


Monday:  catch up:  finishing Giver Quiz 2 revisions and submitting to Classroom
                                    reading ch. 14/15 w/sticky notes (or reviewing if already read)

Tuesday:  review ch. 14/15

Wednesday:  read ch. 16 (w/sticky notes)

Thursday:  read ch. 17 (w/sticky notes)

Friday:  read ch. 18 (w/sticky notes)