When Eris, the goddess of discord, rolls a golden apple inscribed with "to the fairest" into a wedding celebration, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite swoop in to vie for possession of it, each believing, of course, that they are the fairest. Zeus charges the Trojan Paris to choose, and as each goddess offers him something in exchange, he picks Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, who offers him the love of the most beautiful woman in the world--Helen of Troy. Thus sparks the Trojan War.
Today students listened to Mr. Kachulis tell this story as well as scenes from "The Iliad", Homer's epic about the Trojan War. They considered the mood of these scenes as well as titles and music that could be set to them.
Tomorrow, students will begin drafting their essay about the mythological character they've been researching. Mr. Kachulis will return later this week to talk about Greek drama and poetry, and students will work in groups to perform some Greek verse.
Monday: completed research organizer due tomorrow--BRING IT TO CLASS!
Tuesday-Friday: Draft essay; edit; revise; FINAL DRAFT of essay to be submitted on google classroom by 5/22.
Gods Chart: continue working on this; turn it in by 5/29
Mythology Essay Outline