Monday, May 1, 2017

"A poet is, before anything else, a person who is passionately in love with language." --W.H. Auden

In this digital age of speedy, temporal, and inundating communication, it seems important to always bear in mind the power of language.  Writing poetry allows us to pause, to reflect on ideas and emotions, and figure out the most effective way to convey their essence.  As students grapple with choosing "just the right word, not its second cousin", as Twain once stated, their awareness of language raises to a new height.  When they play with literary devices to create fresh new imagery for their reader/listener, they take ownership of language that they can call their own.  The distillation of words and imagery in a poem demonstrates the power of language, which is the gist of our poetry unit.  If students can feel empowered to convey thoughts, ideas, experiences, emotions, and humor by using language to create unique images, then they are truly poets.

Today we are reading some of Pablo Neruda's odes to foods, and students will write their own.  Later in the week we will read odes to various people, and students will try their hand at that type of ode as well.


Monday:  Complete brainstorming for food ode.
Tuesday:  Food ode draft due tomorrow for conferencing.
Wednesday:  Final draft food ode due tomorrow.
Thursday:  Complete brainstorming for person ode.
Friday:  Person ode due Monday.

Neruda's Food Odes

Food Ode Brainstorming Sheet