Monday, June 11, 2018

Winding Down...Sort Of!

It seems that we should be winding down, but we are still quite busy preparing for our Celebration of Ancient Greece Showcase on Thursday (see invite attached on last week's blog).  Today, we are all enjoying our first glimpse of projects--such creativity on display!  Students are rehearsing their poetry readings and performance projects, and finishing up miscellaneous in-class mini-projects which will be on display.

On Friday and next Monday, students will make raindrop book marks inscribed with lines from their River of Words verse.  To reflect the connection of all living things, next year's Green Rev students will each take a book mark at the start of the new school year.  


Projects must be in by Wednesday!

Students should finish up any in-class mini-projects as needed by Wednesday.

Check Aspen--any missing work needs to be turned in ASAP!