Monday, September 24, 2018

Choices Galore!

Students enjoyed a visit to the library today to select a novel they want to read.  Their choices are varied across the board from historical fiction to science fiction and fantasy.  Tomorrow we will think about what exactly happens in a person's mind during the act of reading.   Students will use their choice books to practice being more aware of their thoughts and will record them on sticky notes as they read.  Three times throughout the novel, students will pause to respond to quotes they choose from their book--something that intrigued them, that made them think or question, connections they might have, something they noticed about the author's language, or comments on any element of fiction that resonates with them. 

On Wednesday, students will take a vocabulary quiz.  Part one is matching word to definition; part two involves filling the words into blanks within a story; and in part three they use the last two words to continue the story for a bit.

Students will take our ELA Department's benchmark assessment on Thursday.  The results of this are for teacher purposes only and scores will not be included in Aspen or report card averages.  Teachers use the benchmark results to identify overall areas of weakness in order to focus instruction as needed.

Finally, we will round out our week by reading O. Henry's "After Twenty Years", another story with a twist in the end!


Mon/Tues:  Study vocab words; read book--bring book to school every day as you may have time to read in class.

Wed/Thurs:  Read!  Log sheet #1 is due tomorrow.

Friday:  Read; log sheet #2 due next Thursday.

Choice Novel Reading info & Schedule