Monday, October 1, 2018

Making Meaning While Reading

Aside from a few readers who opted to swap their book for another, most everyone has been engrossed in and enjoying their novels!  During our reading day last week, if you had visited any of my five classes, you would have seen noses buried in books and would have heard a pin drop.  This time was so valued by students that we are engaging another reading day tomorrow; what better way to pass a rainy day than to cozy up with a good book!  Students are employing comprehension strategies as they read, thus facilitating their interaction with their text.  This is evidenced on sticky notes that flutter off of pages as well as their reading logs.  

A note regarding the reading logs:  some students have expressed that they are not able to finish the "chunk" needed for the log.  I am telling everyone that if this is the case, just pause to complete the log to turn in, then continue reading as much as possible for the next log.  If they need extra time after the last log to complete the reading of the book, they can take that time to finish.

Today, students took on their second vocabulary list.  Words range from "jovial" to "morbid", from "sallow" to "a cappella".  Students will be playing with these words in class, but can also access quizlet linked below.

Later in the week, we will read another short story in class and examine the elements of fiction within it.


Every night:  read w/sticky notes, practicing comprehension strategies (bookmark!)

Monday:  bring book on Tuesday--reading day!

Wednesday:  Reading Log #2 due tomorrow (Thursday)

Vocab Quizlet