It's hard to believe there are only two weeks of school left! This year has whizzed by so fast. There is still much to be done, however, to prepare for our Greek showcase and end of year celebration.
This week, students are rehearsing their Greek poems which they will present at the showcase, and working on one last creative project involving similes in the numerous stories heard and read. Later in the week, working in teams, they will be challenged to create a mythological deity or creature of the river or seas which will be forged in plastic! They will make their sculptures using plastic refuse and duct tape; then, they will write about their creature. All will be presented in the JFK courtyard during our team time on the last day of school; they will be judged by team teachers and the winning sculpture artists will win a prize! This will be followed by a poetry jam and a sweet frozen treat!
I hope that family members can arrange their schedules to visit the Greek showcase during their child's ELA class time. Please ask you student for the invitation given out today. I'm linking it below as well.
Essays should be submitted on Classroom (they were due last week).
Poems were due today; should be printed to turn in.
Simile square due by end of class Wed.
Students should be putting together a simple costume for the showcase (ie, a flat sheet as a toga, sandals, wreath of ivy or flowers, rope belts, shields or other props--check old "dress up bins" or dance costumes if you have a dancer in the house!) The idea is to look like an ancient Greek god(dess)!