Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Happy New School Year!

This first blog post of the year is just to say welcome to seventh grade!  Our day kicked off with much excitement and positive energy.  I will certainly enjoy getting acquainted with students over the coming weeks.

As a way of jump starting this getting-to-know-you process, students will be diving into an "I Am From" project and poetry writing activity.  We will review instructions for the project on Friday so that students can begin planning, gathering materials, and for the truly motivated, maybe even getting started on it!  While projects will be completed at home, the poetry writing will occur in class.  I love to start the year with this activity because it reveals a lot about each student, both personally and academically.

I will be writing this blog on Monday each week so that students and parents can be aware of our work that week, including homework which will be listed.  I will also try to attach any handouts (instructions, reference sheets, etc) that go out that week.

Looking forward to a fantastic year!


Thursday:  complete ELA survey (due Friday)

Friday:  Plan project, gather materials (you can begin if you want!)  
Completed projects are due on or before 9/19.

Course Description

Student Survey

I Am From Project Instructions